Welcome Back! Today is December 12th, 2023. Let's talk about the stress that a lot of high school students deal with and how we can manage it...so it doesn't burn us out.
Yesterday during 2nd period I made my four year plan of classes. I got excited because I would finally know what I need to do during these next few years.
Until later that night I was adding a Sign Language class in one of the community colleges nearby...but they were all full. ALL OF THEM. The first eight week classes were full. At first I thought that's fine I'll just take the second eight weeks but the thing is I need sixteen... That's when I started to stress. How will I get all of my credits? Can I take some classes over the summer? If I only need three years of a language to get into a good college can't I just do it next year? Holy crap, I still need to study for all of my finals...Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. But I simply couldn't come up with a solution. I got so scared that I wasn't going to complete all my requirements and that one day I will be behind.
That whole night I had that weird feeling of having to do everything at once....almost as if I needed to finish high school that exact night to feel calm again.
Obviously I still somewhat feel that today. Which is why I am writing this. I made a list of ideas that could help manage any type of stress!
Managing The Stress:
Tip #1: Make To Do Lists. To-Do Lists make your life so much easier...I can comfirm that! Get your favorite pack of sticky notes and have them by your side ALL DAY. Each time something comes up WRITE IT DOWN. It will help you remeber to do it. Once you have time...maybe around lunch take a look at your list. That is when you can make it more detailed. What I mean by that is put each thing in order, from important to not as important. And then you can go through your list and get it done.
Tip #2: Balance Days Out. There are days where we need to take breaks. Yes I know there are also days where we need to work our asses off. But we need to balance each day out. Burning ourselves out everyday isn't the best idea. Every other day take a mini break. Instead of doing all 15 tasks you needed to get done just do 5. Then the next day you can go back to doing all 15. Balancing out your days will give you more energy to get through your week.
Tip #3: "Cut Out Unhealthy Ways Of Dealing With Stress". I found this tip a long ago on a random page and I honestly think it's a good idea. There are people who deal with their stress by avoiding it. Avoiding doing any work, any anything. That's when this tip comes in. There are a lot of things that us humans do that when it comes to having things to do..it makes us waste time. Like scrolling endlessly on your phone, procrastinating, etc. Trying to slowly cut those things out while you have a lot to do will make you work more efficiently. And make you have more time in your day to actually get things done. So work on those unhealthy actions! It will be hard but it will be worth it in the end. Obviously it won't happen in one day but day by day you will progress.
Tip #4. Relax... This kind of goes with balancing days out but more specifically. This is more like having a strategy that calms you down. Before going through the day do something that will calm you down and get you ready to take on the day. It can be anything. From meditating in the morning, playing your favorite music throughout the day, take a few extra minutes in your morning routine to do something you love. For me during my mornings I watch my favorite show while getting ready and then I practice piano for a little bit. This helps me a lot because not only do I get one task done...so it is less stressful for me... but I get to have a little bit of entertainment throughout my morning. Which makes me feel way more pumped and motivated.
These are just a few tips that can help you get through stressful times during school, work or for anything to be honest. Just know that it is ok to get stressed. What is not ok is if you let it take over you. You got to learn how to balance things out so you don't overwork yourself or not work at all. There will be moments in time where you feel behind or feel like you haven't done anything and you need to remind yourself that you are working hard. And if you aren't then you can start working hard, it is never too late to start. I love you all so much! Remember to work hard and relax too! Everything will be okay.
Bye Bye
XoXo, Maria E.V
(P.S, For my Honors English finals I have a MockTrial and I AM SO EXCITED.. Not only because I already have my outfit planned out but because I get to feel all powerful and ask questions)