Hello Hello! Second blog post here. Today I will be explaining the category Challenges. I have always been the type of person to try new things, then leave it by the second day. Which is something I should definitely work on. BUT now I will be setting different challenges for myself that will range from trying a new product for a week or two, trying different workout routines for a week or two, and doing something differently for a week or two. These different challenges are for me to see how changing certain things or doing something different can affect my life or how it can change it. Yes, I am making these challenges in the spam of a week or two because if I did it for longer I think I would never post my progress or anything about it. Now I have been thinking of a few challenges that I could set up for myself ⬇️
Celebrity work out routines
1 hour time limit on my phone each day
''Read yesterday's horoscope every morning for a week to see if something came true'' < I found that online which caught my eye
Try meditating
That's all I could really think of and all I could really find... for now :)
Just like my last post, since I am just getting started and I am just explaining my different categories, I will make these first few posts as short and simple as possible. I hope you are just as excited as I am to start my blog journey. Have the bestest day ever!
Bye bye.
XoXo, Maria E.V <3